Discover Late Bloomers filming locations

1 locations in Berne

Late Bloomers

Centers around four older ladies from the Emmental region. When four older women decide to turn the local corner shop into a chic lingerie store, the whole community is thrown into disarray.
Monika Niggeler
Hanspeter Müller
Lilian Naef
Peter Wyssbrod
Manfred Liechti
Ruth Schwegler
Alice Bruengger
Stephanie Glaser
Valerie Keller
Monica Gubser
Heidi Maria Glössner
Matthias Fankhauser
Annemarie Düringer
Alex Freihart
Walter Ruch
Alfi Sinniger
Luk Zimmermann
Bettina Oberli
Olivia Oeschger
Marc von Stürler
Monica Rottmeyer
Stéphane Kuthy
Corinna Glaus
Greta Roderer
Sabine Pochhammer
Late Bloomers filming locations

Late Bloomers film locations

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