Discover Soul Kitchen filming locations

2 locations in Bremen and Hamburg

Soul Kitchen

In Hamburg, German-Greek chef Zinos unknowingly disturbs the peace in his locals-only restaurant by hiring a more talented chef.
Francesco Fiannaca
Peter Jordan
Maria Ketikidou
Gustav Peter Wöhler
Marc Hosemann
Peter Lohmeyer
Simon Görts
Moritz Bleibtreu
Herma Koehn
Demir Gökgöl
Philipp Baltus
Wotan Wilke Möhring
Catrin Striebeck
Lars Rudolph
Bernd Gajkowski
Dorka Gryllus
Zarah Jane McKenzie
Udo Kier
Anna Bederke
Uğur Yücel
Monica Bleibtreu
Birol Ünel
Markus Imboden
Till Huster
Lucas Gregorowicz
Hendrik von Bültzingslöwen
Cem Akin
Pheline Roggan
Jan Fedder
Andrew Bird
Klaus Maeck
Adam Bousdoukos
Ann-Kristin Homann
Pia Hoffmann
Rainer Klausmann
Fatih Akin
Soul Kitchen filming locations

Soul Kitchen film locations

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