Discover Carmina or Blow Up filming locations

1 locations in Seville

Carmina or Blow Up

Carmina, 58, runs a shop selling Iberian products in Seville. After several robberies and no help from her insurance company, she comes up with a way to recover the money she needs to keep her family. While she waits in her kitchen for her plan to kick in, she thinks back over her life, her work and her miracles.
Antonio Adarve
José Manuel Postigo
Ana María García
María León
Raimundo Carrasco
Fran Torres
Paqui Montoya
Miguel Alcíbar
Carmina Barrios
Rafael Martín Ortiz
Antonio Estrada
Guillermo Weickert
Antonio León
José Mari Bizcocho
Mari Paz Sayago
Paco Casaus
Pony Bravo
Paco León
Juan González Guerrero
Ana Álvarez-Ossorio
Carmina or Blow Up filming locations

Carmina or Blow Up film locations

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