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Pep Munné is an aging plastic surgeon who falls for a young female assistant (Mariana Anghileri) while attending a medical conference. Soon he begins inventing new reasons to spend more time with her. His wife Cristina (María Barranco) begins meeting with a psychiatrist (Jean Pierre Noher) in order to figure out what is going on in her marriage.
Silvia Rey
Félix López
Mariana Anghileri
María Barranco
Jean Pierre Noher
Pascual Condito
Arturo Bonín
Pep Munné
Rosario Pardo
Martín Aldasoro
Alfredo Casero
Daniel Pensa
Eliseo Subiela
Guido Berenblum
Álvaro Alonso
Teo Delgado
Cristina Otero Roth
Abel Facello
Gabriel Mores
Alicia Rosendorn
Luis Ángel Bellaba
Heartlift filming locations

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